
2 Example PPC Campaigns Below & Link to SEO Content Samples

Example PPC RSA Campaign for Tanner Roofing Company

*For Example Purposes Only.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQlytzFIcnl4c6lestxkMF3GhjLhtJH5biJvL40yqNfbusclgaRLfLLlqz0-qwz1DbkPyL2eJ11WIlp/pubhtml (***The 5 Tabs are the BLUE LINKS across the top: Campaign Settings, Initial Keywords, Negative Keywords, Ad Example…)

Example PPC RSA Campaign for Zipline Over Georgia

Below you will find an example of a RSA (Responsive Search Ad) campaign.

You will be able to see 2 Campaigns on 1 Spreadsheet.

Ideally, it should be 1 Campaign per Spreadsheet, but this was done so you could get a glimpse of both, without having to open a second document.

*For Example Purposes Only.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQO8XPfU5nz_dB57_TXot1etdD80C5gS7b6UNOcbfd44Sr8OG1qe2hOnHpy064drEVhb7oUz98qBoYI/pubhtml (***The 6 Tabs are the BLUE LINKS across the top: Campaign Settings, Keywords for #1, Keywords for #2, Negative Keywords, Ad Example…)

SEO Content Samples

Click Here to -> View SEO Content Samples